Meet Amaya!
Amaya is one of the sweetest 9-year-olds I have ever met! She had so much fun dressing up and wearing these dresses! It was such a pleasure to have her share her smile with me! She glowed with excitement when she was telling me about her softball team and how excited she is to share that even though she has diabetes, she has a blast playing sports with her team and friends!
How old are you? 9
How old were you when you were diagnosed with T1D? I was 8
What is your favorite subject in school? Art
How did you feel when you were diagnosed? Very scared and sad
What do you like to do for fun? Draw, play softball,sing, swim, read, and play with my friends and little brother
How did you find out that you were diabetic? My mom noticed I was acting different and I felt funny so my dad, who is also a Type 1 Diabetic, tested my blood sugar with his monitor and it was 524!so we rushed to the hospital.
Do you like being diabetic? Not really
What is cool about being diabetic? I get to go to the nurse during class if I’m low and eat gummies.
What is the worst thing about being diabetic? Taking shots and people asking what is wrong with me and why I always have to go to the nurse.
What is your favorite food? Pancakes, 3 meat pizza, ice cream, and berries.
What is your favorite movie? All of the Monster High movies
Where is your favorite restaurant? IHOP
Where is your favorite place to vacation? The beach
If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? 1. Have a million dollars
2. Have a medicine to get rid of diabetes
3. Have a lot of puppies
Who is your favorite tv/book/story character and what do you like about him/her? Frankie Stein from Monster High because she’s smart and creative.
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be? A unicorn
If you could wake up with a superpower, what would it be? To be invisible
What would you like others to know about being a diabetic? That there is a difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. I’m not contagious. I didn’t eat too much candy to get diabetes. It scares me to have it and I get embarrassed when people look at me when I’m taking a shot or checking my blood sugar.